You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.5. ORDER COMPLETION Menu > 4.5.1. Order Completion - Order Scheduler > Selecting the Orders to View > Order Scheduler - Find
Order Scheduler - Find

You can search for a specific order or a group of orders in the Order Scheduler.

  1. Open the Order Scheduler.

Refer to "Accessing the Order Scheduler".

  1. Select FIND on the menu bar.


Technical Tip

You can also right click in the list area of the screen and select FIND.

Micronet displays the Find Entry screen.

  1. Complete one or more of the following fields with the details of the order(s) you are searching for. The more information you enter, the more specific your search will be.






Enter the name of the customer whose order you want to find.



Enter the name of the contact person for the order.


Sales Person

Enter the ID of the salesperson for the order.


Contact First

Enter the contact person's first name.



Enter the phone number associated with the order.



Enter the mobile number associated with the order.



Enter the invoice number for the order.


Date Modified

Enter the date the order was modified.


Created Date

Enter the date the order was created.



Enter the warehouse number for the order.



Enter the delivery address for the order.


Debtor Number

Enter the debtor number for the order.


Order Value

Enter the total value of the order.


Outstanding Value

Enter the amount still to be invoiced for the order.


Total Paid

Enter the total payments received for the order.


Order Balance

Enter the amount still owed for the order.



Enter any deposit paid for the order.

  1. When you have entered the appropriate details, select the Find Next button.

Micronet highlights the first matching order in the Order Scheduler.

  1. If required, keep selecting the Find Next button until the appropriate order is highlighted.
  2. Select the Return button to redisplay the Order Scheduler.